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Digital Movers is growing fast. We are happy to announce that Rosanne Nawijn has joined our family for almost a year now. As she is around since February, it’s high time to introduce her!

What is your role at Digital Movers?

As online marketer at Digital Movers, I am responsible for increasing brand awareness and engagement, stimulating website traffic, and driving sales by means of advertising with the goal to move businesses into digital growth. I am interested in the creative and analytical aspect of digital marketing. Therefore, I like to be responsible for creating content for our website and social media channels. Besides, Mathias involves me in the development and strategy of the company, which challenges me in a completely different way and helps me growing further in this direction.

Hospitality meets Digital Marketing

I started with a BSc Business Administration at the Hotel Management School Maastricht, where I graduated in marketing. As this bachelor’s degree is quite broadly oriented, I did not feel specialized enough to fulfil a marketing role. The combination of wanting to continue studying, not wanting to work full time yet and my eagerness to increase knowledge and skills in the field of digital marketing, made me decide to do a second degree. I subsequently graduated from university with a MSc Business Administration, specialized in Digital Marketing and Sustainable Marketing. In the meantime, I participated in a photography and Photoshop course at the Nederlandse Fotovakschool. As I strongly like the creative side of marketing, this felt like a logical step and added value next to my master’s degree.

What do you like most about Digital Marketing?

I do like that digital marketing is always evolving. I find it fascinating that new trends and developments are emerging at lightning speed, which can and must be responded to immediately. I like challenges, know how to tackle things, am curious and want to keep learning. Characteristics that, I believe, fit well with the continuously moving and developing world of digital marketing.

I was granted the responsibility to take over accounts and make impact for customers in only a couple of weeks.

Looking for growth, fun and a steep learning curve

I started looking for smaller digital marketing-related companies, as I know I am not a big-corporate-kind-of-lady and I function best with variety in my work.

I wasn’t very aware of it at the time I was applying, but I do realize now that the culture of Digital Movers is exactly what I was looking for. Professional as well as personal growth are key to Digital Movers. I get the chance to attend trainings on regular basis to expand my knowledge and skills in the field of digital marketing. This enables me to move our customers into digital growth as well as it contributes to my own development. As the company isn’t that big, all responsibilities I get, together with the variation in work I have, provide a steep learning curve.

Moreover, the company is very flexible, enables me to work wherever and whenever I want, and it embraces growth and innovation. The social aspect and your personal well-being are very important factors as well, and the job involves lots of fun too. Altogether, this makes me feel at ease and valued.

All responsibilities I get, together with the variation in work I have, provide a steep learning curve.

Looking back on the first ten months

It has been a great start of my ‘first’ job! I was granted the responsibility to take over accounts and make impact for customers in only a couple of weeks. Learning by means of trial and error is strongly encouraged within the company. This quickly created a safe learning environment for me to dive into the deep and just try, do and try again if I fail (what I used to be very afraid of).

Last June, we participated in the Unleash the Power Within event from Tony Robbins, which has been one hell of a rollercoaster in many ways. But it has been one of the coolest things I have done in the field of personal leadership so far. I am still noticing the effect of this event each day.

The company is growing fast, which is great to experience but at the same time quite challenging and a bit overwhelming sometimes. However, Digital Movers manages work-life balance in a great way. From Friday-afternoon drinks to team outings and dinners together. Like they say: work hard, play hard. I can’t wait to see what’s left to come!

I am a big fan of travelling. Experiencing different cultures, countries and the feeling of freedom is what I like most.

Meet the lady behind the professional

I am a big fan of travelling. Experiencing different cultures, countries and the feeling of freedom is what I like most. I have seen a big part of Europe and parts of the United States so far, which only increased my curiosity to discover the world. The freedom at Digital Movers to work wherever and whenever you want, enables me to plan my days as I like and allows me to keep travelling.

Another thing I really like is sports, since I was young actually. I used to do street dance, gymnastics, field hockey and water polo. Nowadays, I do like to go to the gym, swim and I practice yoga. Besides, I do like skiing, and a long walk or bike ride every now and then.

Family and friends are one of the most important aspects in life for me. I do like cooking, having drinks, travelling, dancing, going to parties together and just being surrounded by them. Besides, photography is one of the things I like to do in my free time.

I believe that regret for the things we did could be tempered by time. However, it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable. Therefore, making memories and just enjoy life when it is happening, is of high value to me.

Mathias Aaftink

Author Mathias Aaftink

Geïntrigeerd door klantgedrag, performance marketing en klantervaring en de manier waarop organisaties daarop inspelen. Met mijn ervaring voel ik me thuis in de wereld van (digitale) marketing en branding. Ik ga nieuwe uitdagingen met veel plezier aan en voel meteen een groot verantwoordelijkheidsgevoel om er een succes van te maken. Projecten waarbij ik mijn ondernemende vaardigheden en mindset kan inzetten geven mij veel energie en dit is waar ik voor u van toegevoegde waarde kan zijn.

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