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For creating awesome visual video content that works, it is necessary to create content that is sticky, can interact and engage with your target audience. For doing this there are some critical steps that you as a marketer have to go through.

Your brand identity and target consumers interest and passions

It is critical to understand your own brand identity and the way you are positioned. Most of the brands understand this pretty well so we don’t give this section a lot of attention. Combined with the target audience their interest & passions you try to create a strategic roadmap which leads to the intersection of your audience’s passion points and you brands value proposition.

Define your tone of voice and core message

After the first step of defining who you are as a brand and who you want to target, the step of creating value begins for your brand. There are three ways to add value with your visual digital content campaigns:

  1. Inspire your audience and tell them stories where they can relate to and have a certain level of emotion
  2. Educate your target audience and help them with information that they really seek for
  3. Entertain them and giving them content that’s surprising and make them smile.

This step will help you define the tone of voice that you are speaking with your target audience.


Content creation

Now that the structure and roadmap is defined we can move over to the content creation part. In this part the HHH model from YouTube helps us to create your video content in a structured way. The model stands for Hero, Hub and Hygiene.

Hero visual content creation

Hero content is content that makes an impact on your target audience and far beyond. The goal for this content should be creating impact and telling your story as a brand.

As a brand you create this content for going viral so you can imagine that brands put a lot of effort in creating it. Normally a brand comes out with hero content only once or twice a year and it normally goes hand in hand with an event or a new product launch.

Below there are some real good examples of hero content which went viral. First of all the crazy commercial from Volvo where Van Damme did an epic split between two trucks. Secondly the campaign from Dove with their “real beauty sketches”, a campaign that went viral as well.

Remember: hero content is content that need to deliver impact and spreads like a virus among your target audience and beyond.

Hub visual content creation

By creating Hub content you create content that is used to focus on specific interest areas from your target audience. This is to stay on top of mind of your target audience and also to create conversions. Hub content is actively pushed by brands and returns in frequent time-frames.

According to YouTube, this content should be “regularly updated,” “valuable and engaging,” and should incentivize people to “subscribe – like – follow”

You can see it as the motor of content creation and it is therefore really important for brands that their message is published in the right way. Another goal from hub content creation is pulling new visitors to your website.

Redbull creates Hub content whit their “who is JOB” series where they outline a series about John O’ Brien.

Hygiene visual content creation

This is visual content that passes by daily or at least on a regular base. This is pointed at your target audience that is searching actively for answers to their questions. Hygiene content could be: how-to videos, online workshops, explanation about your products etc. Keep in mind that you want to help your consumer with this visual content.

Also keep in mind that creating this content is really valuable for getting good search results in Google. It helps to optimize your SEO. It is also a great way to grow your YouTube channel since YouTube is the second largest search engine on the world.

Hygiene content also helps to build a reliable base to your target audience since you help them finding the answers that they need. Philips is doing a great job an this with their “how to” videos.

A long story short

This visual content pyramid helps you as a marketer to be more efficient and to create visual content that can build your brand. It is important that you know who you are as a brand and who to target. This can be done by gaining insights which lead you to the intersection of your audience’s passion points and your brand value proposition. After this first step it is important to determine the way you want to interact with your audience. Do you can to inspire, educate or entertain them. In the content creation phase you need to be aware that you have to be on top of your target audience their mind. With the HHH model you can build your content plan to structure your content in a way that your target audience is seeking for.

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