Display advertising
Display advertising
Advertising makes an impression by creating unified design and communication strategies with creativity and innovation. Display advertising can be used for branding campaigns that revolve around increasing brand awareness as well as full-funnel conversion campaigns. Part art and part science, the display advertising attracts and engages, integrates vision, integrates creativity, and enables technology competence. It helps to reach the target audience quickly and effectively with display, mobile advertising, video advertising or digital out of home campaigns. Display advertisements are used to put your brand in front of your customers in an visual attractive way.
✔️ Certified Google Ads Partner agency
✔️ Directly at the number one position within Google
✔️ Personal and lasting contact
✔️ Result-oriented team of specialists
What is display advertising?
Display advertising is a type of web marketing. If you plan to run Google Ads you have different choices like Google Display. The ads are served in the Google Display Network (GDN), this display network is a collection of over 2 million partner websites, videos, and apps where Google serves your ads on.
To put that number into perspective the GDN covers almost 90% of the complete internet. You can target your audience in a number of different ways: by content (through keywords), by a certain target audience which you want to target (demographic, interests or similar) or through placement (websites).
So if you are looking for “camping enthusiasts,” you can target them or if you are looking for people that watch specific websites then it is all possible to target. There are lots of targeting options for display ads and this is why it is the perfect driver for driving awareness around your brand. The value is really in the low cost of impressions to reach the right audience in the right way.
Our performance marketing team examines, tweaks, and creates tailored display ads to reach individuals where they are. To complement the paid media plan, the creative team meticulously designs customised display advertisements and landing pages that resonate with your audience’s interests and purpose.
Why display ads?
In order to give enduring relevance to your target group and to present attractive expressions, gathering and using relevant data is becoming increasingly crucial for effective advertising campaigns. We assist you in determining which goals best suit your company using the online maturity model. Display ad campaigns are so targeted, display advertising with a relevant message for your target audience at the appropriate moment.
Your media efforts are managed by us. We begin building up your campaign after the campaign strategy and media plan have been developed. We create your campaigns, choose the proper target groups, and apply the targeting parameters you want. Our services include dealing with media trafficking as well as putting the media plan into action.
Some points that display ads at Klik digital incorporate are:
- Buying media with complete transparency
- Reports and dashboards for campaigns are displayed in a clear Datastudio
- Banner design and video creation creative development with our trusted partners
- Easily scaled campaigns within your target audience and whole Europe
How we will use display ads for your company
It all starts with a shared goal as a starting point. If we all agree on the goal and set the right KPI’s like, amount of impressions, amount of views and amount of reach we can move forward to the next step.
When everyone is on the same page of goals we can move forward to the content phase. It is important that you either create new content or you deliver the right content that suit your campaign messaging. We work closely with a content agency so we can help you create banners of videos easily.
We will begin designing the campaign when the plan and content is approved. This is done within our Google Ads account where we can setup your Display campaign.
Management and assessment of campaigns
We actively optimise during the campaign to achieve or move beyond the set KPI’s. We do this by analysing the results and then tweak the campaigns here and there to get better results.
We plan monthly and bi-weekly calls with our clients to run through the results and run through the work that is done. In this way you are always up to date of the results and what reach you gained already.
Advantages of display ads
Some of the very important benefits that display ads provide are:
- Display advertisements are visually appealing.
- Brand awareness and visibility are aided by display ads.
- Display ads rotate multiple expressions and messages.
- Display Ads can reach customers in the right time in their journey to purchase
Some of the advantages of display ads are:
- It is possible to show your ads right aware on specific days and timeslots
- The effectiveness of display ads in the psychology of the mind of the consumer
- ROI-monitoring through our datastudio or other reporting systems
- Easy to set up with the possibility to reach a wide target audience.
Why outsource display advertising?
Have you been working on display ads for a while, but haven’t seen any results yet? Do you want to do it yourself and don’t know where to start? Or have you placed display ads with an agency, but the costs outweigh the benefits? Please feel free to contact us. Our digital marketing specialists know everything about display ads. This way you will get more out of your marketing and you can make even more customers happy with your product or service.